Howard James Sargeant (BSc. Agronomy (UK))

Renewable Energy Director
Key Expertise
Agronomist/Sr. Planter
- Plantation Rehabilitation
- Agronomic Best Practices
- Environment/Sustainability
- Graduated with an Agronomy degree from the University of London
- More than 50 years’ extensive experience in plantation management and development in countries such as Malaysia, Liberia, Malawi, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia
- Member of the Consortium Group OPGP (Oil Palm Genome Project), IOPRI Ganoderma study group and collaboration member with CIFOR on GHG emission study in Jambi
- Currently, President Director – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT Mandar Subur Sejahtera, Samuel International Group developing an Oil Palm project in Sulawesi Barat and responsible for building 3 x 60 tons/hour Mills in West Kalimantan province in coordination with Credit Union for Dayak smallholders
- Previously, Planting Adviser with NGIP-New Guinea Islands Produce, and responsible for mixed farming cultivating pineapple, mangoes, solo papayas, vanilla, tomatoes (cherry and beef steak cultivars) and guava
- In addition, other notable positions include being Main Board Director (Chief Executive Palm) of PT. Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Tbk; Director of Estates of PT. Rea Kaltim Plantations (London PLC) in East Kalimantan; Vice President of Agronomy at Sinar Mas Plantations; Visiting Agent of New Guinea Islands Produce Company PNG; General Manager with Uniroyal Plantations Division (Unilever) with their Liberian Agricultural Company in Liberia; and Plantations Controller for Multi-Purpose Holdings who acquired control of Plantations Holdings and Dunlop Estates (IOI)