Mill And Factory
AgriNexus is able to design and commission mills of any size on a turnkey basis or at an advisory level. Our strictly selected contractors are reputable and provide the necessary guarantee for the equipment and construction. Prior to commissioning the mills, our Experts and Partners will provide specific training for the maintenance and management of the equipment.

Palm & Kernel Oil Mill
We design and build state-of-art CPO and PKO mills that optimise Oil Extraction Rate (OER) and Kernel Extraction Rate (KER). The designs take into consideration and integrate the latest downstream processing methods with new and innovative solutions. Evaluation of commercial upside and the provision of seamless integration forms part of our deliverables.

Rubber Processing Factory
We jointly design and commission new and advanced Rubber Processing Factories with established partners to produce block and sheet rubber. We are also able to provide designs and solutions for downstream processing such as gloves, tires and condoms.
Building & Infrastructure

Renewable Energy
We design, build and commission complete power generation solutions including requirements to support EFB plant, kernel crushing plant, mills and the entire plantation ecosystem.
AgriNexus Renewable Energy (ARE) power generation solutions adopt any one of Biogas, Solar, Hydrokinetic or Wind Turbine solutions to provide Clients with the opportunity to capitalise on cost savings while ensuring positive spillover benefits to social development and the environment.

Our Experts and Partners are able to provide complete Build, Transfer and Operate (BTO), state of the art, prefabricated housing and other Buildings such as offices, warehouses and workshops.

Our Engineering team designs and constructs competitively priced and durable roads, bridges and culverts. The necessary operating procedures and requisite bills of material form part of our deliverables.