Greenfield Development
In assessing the suitability of Greenfield Development, or undeveloped land banks in their natural state, for commercial agriculture, AgriNexus carries out a multi-faceted Feasibility Study (FS) to formulate a sustainable Development and Implementation Plan (DIP). This roadmap identifies the capital requirements, financial projections and relevant timelines for the proposed commercial crop project and allows our in-house or any third party Qualified Person (QP) to execute and implement the project based on our DIP.

Feasibility Study
A tailored, comprehensive assessment of the viability of a proposed plantation project including soil agronomy, climatology, availability of water and drainage capabilities, crop suitability, yield forecasts, profitability, supply chain management structures and analysis of High Conservation Value (HCV) while ensuring RSPO and local guidelines are strictly adhered to.

Development and Implementation Plan (DIP)
The DIP digitally maps out the project’s developmental milestones including requirements for machinery and equipment, infrastructure and human capital while incorporating the requisite standard operating procedures in accordance with industry best practices.
DIP includes financial data including Cash Flow, Profit & Loss as well as ROI, IRR & NPV.
Alternatively, the Plantation Company may elect to recruit third party managers to execute the DIP prepared by AgriNexus.

Soil Analysis
Soil Analysis includes Profiling and Nutrient studies which are critical in identifying the best suited commercial crops and manuring requirements.
Soil Profile studies analyse the different layers of soil as observed through a 2 meter deep cavity or soil pit.
Soil nutrient analyses are conducted on samples obtained from an auger which are then lab-tested for pH balance and critical nutrients such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K).

Environmental & Sustainable Study
Strictly adhering to RSPO guidelines on sustainable practices and applicable local laws and regulations, AgriNexus’ Environmental & Sustainable Study (ESS) provides an extensive and detailed evaluation of the potential impact of the development. Deliverables include a working framework to ensure success in obtaining relevant accreditation.

Management Services
The execution of the DIP can be undertaken by AgriNexus as part of a turnkey development contract or in an advisory role.
The deliverables on the execution of the DIP will include a plantation development plan with Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) in order to ensure optimum yield production and efficient large-scale plantation management.
Alternatively, the Plantation company may elect to recruit third party managers to execute the DIP prepared by AgriNexus.

Nursery Development & Management
AgriNexus will select planting material based on agronomy & climatology. The processes and procedures, underpinned by AgriNexus’ BOP, that will be introduced for nursery techniques include:
- Layout
- Irrigation systems
- Soil preparation
- Treatment of polybags
- Transplanting
- Fertiliser application, Bio-enzymes
- Pest and disease control methods
- Culling policies
- Nursery Budgets, Costing & Supervision
- Record Maintenance
- Uses and benefits of GIS, LED and CCTV