Brownfield Development
Newly acquired plantations may be ailing or operating in an environment supporting inferior yields. Our in-house team will assess and identify gaps or leakages and apply tailored turnaround solutions to steer the plantation towards achieving benchmarked performance standards.
Risk analysis comprising both technical and financial due diligence will be undertaken to identify areas of weakness. Tailored risk mitigation measures will be suggested for rehabilitation.

Plantation Rehabilitation
AgriNexus is able to identify any structural and operational weakness by undertaking technical and financial due diligence tests.
Supported by risk analysis and applying mitigation measures, the business is realigned to the right trajectory to attain management and operational efficiencies in line with AgriNexus’ BOP.

Advisory Consultancy
Plantations may not necessarily be capitalising on their full potential. AgriNexus may introduce new and innovative technologies with the primary objective to enhance crop yields and/or provide downstream activities to generate additional revenues.
The deliverables of a short-term Advisory Contract with AgriNexus will allow our subject matter experts to visit the plantation on a predetermined frequency, followed by a comprehensive report highlighting the concerns and recommendations.
AgriNexus monitors and reports by conducting:
- Detailed review of conditions including growth, yield, pest & disease damage, manuring regime, general maintenance standards
- Review of operations cash-flow and monthly financial statements
- Review of HR matters
- Assessment of machinery and equipment
- Comprehensive report with corrective action plans

Soil & Foliar Analysis
Optimum fertiliser content ensures a balance between reintroducing depleting nutrients and/or sequestration of access nutrients. Soil and foliar analysis is a necessary exercise to be undertaken regularly in a producing plantation to monitor and maintain optimal nutrient levels. With correct fertiliser application, yields can be optimised, potentially resulting in maximum revenue. The number of Fruit Bunches and length of fronds are monitored to have an understanding of yields. In depth analyses allows for controlled corrective fertiliser application.
The deliverables include reports on the analyses of soil and foliar tests and recommendations on fertiliser composite and quantum to be applied.

Pest & Disease Management
Although Pest and Disease Management has been elucidated in most commercial crops, proper management by Entomologists is necessary to manage any incidences and outbreaks.
AgriNexus has wide ranging experience in different regions around the world to effectively manage a broad range of pest and disease problems.
Deliverables include reports on potential pest and disease problems, advisory and on-ground services to help manage and eradicate possible incidences and outbreaks.

Enterprise Risk Management Review
- Conduct interviews with key personnel to review business processes including:
- Human Resource
- Procurement
- Production
- Quality Management
- Information Technology
- Fixed Assets
- Create structured risk assessment review
- Provides insight for business development strategy
- Strategise cost control policies
- Prioritise operational reviews via risk-based audit programmes